Monday, December 14, 2015

Weekly Update 12/14/15 - 12/18/15 and Small Group Opportunity

Two more weeks till He arrives, and one more week of school! Although, you would hardly know it given the beautiful 70 degree weather we had this weekend.

This week we will be wrapping up much of our work -- publishing letters, taking our end-of-unit math assessment, and wrapping up our work with non-fiction books. Please partner with us in encouraging your children to "finish strong" in these last few days!

We have a few additional items on our schedule this week that we'd like you to take note of:

  • On Thursday, December 17th we will visit the Big Map with Mr. Smith for a second time. It was a hit last Friday and we're sure that with a bit more knowledge in our back pockets about North America, this second visit will be even better. Plus, taking your shoes off amplifies the fun. 
  • Please join us on Friday, December 18th at 2:00 for Lessons and Carols in the gym. It is always a wonderful service and a beautiful conclusion to this portion of the year, as well as a perfect entry to the holiday season. 
Lastly, we want to draw your attention to an upcoming small group opportunity. We hope you have had a moment to meet Caroline Black, Trinity's Guidance Counselor, who has been a wonderful addition to our community. Caroline will be helping facilitate a small group in the new year called Child Parent Relationship Training (CPRT).

The group is designed to help parents with the following:
  • Reducing problem behaviors utilizing limit setting and choice giving techniques
  • Developing responsibility and self-control in children
  • Increasing children's self esteem and self confidence
  • Increasing parents' feelings of warmth for their children
  • Communicating more effectively with your child
The program will run for 10 weeks starting in January and will be held every Thursday, starting January 14th, from 6:30-8:30. Should you have more questions regarding program content, cost, or other logistics, please don't hesitate to contact us or Caroline Black ( for further information.


We wish you a festive, merry, and joyful last week of school before the break -- and hope to see each of you before the holiday begins!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Photos of the Week

Thank you to the many who came to join us this week during our exciting festivities! Tuesday was an incredible celebration at First Ward Park, and I know we all left feeling quite proud to be a member of the Trinity Episcopal School Community. We wanted to share a few photos with you that we took this week -- as it was quite an exciting one!

We hope you heard raving reviews about Ella's Big Chance! It truly was a fabulous show. No pictures inside the theater, so nothing to share on that front. However, the class was all smiles departing from ImaginOn and we enjoyed an opportunity to see one of Mrs. Postle's close friends perform.

Hour of Code was a hit! After getting started, we are pretty sure the class could have kept coding for much more than an hour. Thank you to Mr. Thorton and his students who helped us navigate. Should you be interested, please check out with your child for more coding opportunities. From here, you can set up a personal account and create your own programs. Yesterday's program focused on Star Wars, but there are many other creations online that we welcome you and your children to explore. We have a feeling they would be eager to do so after yesterday afternoon! Take a look at some pictures below. Partnering with Middle School was a bonus!

We wish you a happy and restful weekend! 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Enrichment Updates

The second grade artists have been working hard in the art studio.  They continue to find ways to express their ideas through each new piece they create.  In addition to our “normal” explorations, the second graders worked with a group of 8th graders to create one of the nine nutcrackers that are on display at 7th Street Public Market.  Here is the artist statement that is on display with the work:


Creating Scholars through the Arts
Collaborative effort: 8th grade Art Expo class and all 2nd graders

Both the visual and performing arts are a part of every student's life at Trinity Episcopal School. From kindergarten to 8th grade, students are exposed to music, dance, drama through the performing arts department.  From the youngest singing songs for the community at chapel to the oldest honing their acting skills on stage in musicals and plays, the days at Trinity are always filled with music, movement and dramatic play.  Additionally, students get weekly visits to the art studio to explore creative expression through a variety of student-driven ideas.  They can work on their drawing skills, learn how to watercolor, explore all that collage has to offer, build a replica of their favorite Charlotte landmark and even learn the ins and outs of woodworking and metal sculpting.  The colorful and musical base was created by the 8th grade Art Expo class and the 2nd grade artists added their ideas through music notes, art materials and drama masks (take a minute to read some, you will not be disappointed!).  

What to know what happens on a day-to-day basis in the Art Studio at Trinity?  Check out this story on our blog to get a little taste of what amazing things can happen when students create work that is meaningful and personal.  Although the story is about 5th graders, you can imagine what the creative 2nd grade artists would come up with.  As always, feel free to come visit to see everything in action! 

Jen Rankey and Mary Ann O’Sullivan

P.S.  Don’t forget the subscribe the the Art Department Blog ( and follow us on Twitter (@tesarttab1) to keep up with all the wonderful things happening!

Faith Studies
The Israelites have now arrived at the promised land and Joshua has helped them win many battles. Now the judges are guiding the people against the enemies of the Israelites as well as helping them to stay faithful to God.  We will complete the month with the book of Ruth. A most important book for our time of Advent. Please ask your children why!

See you at Lessons and Carols on the 18th.  

Second graders have been working about biomes comparing words about habitats. They match names and words with pictures to read simple phrases about this topic. Students are developing listening and speaking skills with stories such as "Little Red Riding Hood". They repeat main vocabulary words and rhymes that help them remember topics like: food, clothes and family members.

Please click on your child’s grade level.

This month, our 2nd grader musicians will continue to review basics of music. We have been introducing writing music using pitches. We will be reviewing the story of the Nutcracker as well as delve deeper into the concepts of movement to tell a story. We will learn how to play and use a dreidel and review our own holiday experiences. Our actors will begin blocking and process of the 2nd grade musical and once we return from break, we will be in full 2nd Grade Musical runs and the performance will be in January.  

Mrs. Postle

Monday, December 7, 2015

Weekly Update 12/7/15 - 12/11/15

Brace yourselves for the week ahead! Today marks our only "normal" day as we have event after event in the upcoming days. Mark your calendars!
  • On Tuesday, December 8th, we will join the greater community to help open 1st Ward Park. We will depart from Trinity around 9:45, walk to the park and sing in celebration of the new park opening. Kindergarten students worked hard last year to plan for a new park, and now their work is coming to fruition. We look forward to this unique experience tomorrow! 
  • On Wednesday, December 9th we will walk to the Children's Theater to see "Ella's Big Chance." The play is at 9:30 and will be our first trip to the Children's Theater.
  • Mr. Thorton will be leading us in an Hour of Code on Thursday, December 10th and to be quite honest, we aren't quite sure what this will have in store for us, but be sure to ask your children what they learn during this time. 
  • Our final event this week will be Friday, December 11th downstairs with Mr. Grady -- the Big Map! We'll be exploring North America and trust that Mr. Grady has a great afternoon planned. 
Whew! While all of this is going on, we'll continue forward with our units across the board. In Reader's, we are focusing on non-fiction and hope that you've noticed some non-fiction interest in your children at home. During our latest trip to ImaginOn, we encouraged everyone to select one non-fiction book in addition to their other selections. We've steered students towards the non-fiction section of our library and are continuing to learn about how to read non-fiction books during mini lessons. Much of this learning will be put into active practice when we return to school in January. 

Writer's Workshop continues to focus on persuasive letters, but we have shifted to a focus on the rain forest. After learning about deforestation during Storypath, students now have an understanding of the causes of deforestation. Coupled with their knowledge of rain forest gifts, we are excited to see how these letters turn out and look forward to mailing them out. 

We will conclude Unit 3 of Investigations in math before Christmas break and have been talking about even and odd numbers during the past week. This week, we'll dive into place value as a way to better understand bigger numbers. "Fun Friday" has become a bit of a routine in the classroom with various math games taking place, and we hope you have heard positive reviews about these exciting afternoons! 

In case you missed it, we stopped by 7th Street Market after our visit to ImaginOn and caught a glimpse of the Trinity Nutcrackers that are currently on display. We walked in just as they were being rolled out of storage and were able to help select spots for the nutcrackers. If you have not already, we encourage you to stop by the market and see the creative work of Trinity Wildcats!

We hope the Christmas and holiday spirit is finding its way into your homes -- it is certainly bursting through the doors here every morning and we couldn't be more grateful. 

Enrichment updates will be posted later this week, but in the meantime, we wish you a week just as exciting as ours!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Discovery Place: Rain Forest Edition!

Welcome back! We hope you all enjoying a long weekend, time with family, and the Thanksgiving holiday. While we are sure you heard many a story from our exciting trip to Discovery Place last Tuesday, we wanted to share a few pictures with you. 

Our first stop was the Rain Forest Exhibit, where we were able to share our knowledge regarding the different layers of the rain forest, and where we were able to learn a bit more from Mr. Stevens. We were both very impressed and proud of all the information our second graders have retained! We were also given the chance to see and feel what a real rain forest is like -- "It's SO humid!," we heard as we opened the doors to exhibit. And it sure was! We spotted many different animals, saw plants reaching tall into the canopy layer, and were excited to make our learning visible. 

What's a visit to Discovery Place without a little fun upstairs? Following a viewing of Rat Basketball (Go Blue!), we spent a while playing together on the many different machines and in the stations set up for exploration and learning. We enjoyed seeing this class work together, play together, and laugh together. It set us up just perfectly for the break! 

More fun awaits -- and the haul to Christmas begins! 

Monday, November 23, 2015

What We are Grateful For....

As we close out our first trimester and head off for Thanksgiving break, we wanted to send out our message of gratitude to everyone for sharing your children with us. This year has provided moments of unexpected joy which have helped our hearts and minds grow bigger and closer to each other. Every morning around 7:45 we wait to hear the patter of little feet running toward our door, your children, anxious and excited to start our new day. It is a daily reminder of the precious opportunity we have been given to help these incredible children on their journey. We wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Weekly Update 11/16/15 - 11/20/15

Some days we feel as though we can't possibly fit it all in! What a wonderful way for our days to be -- jam packed with excitement. Here is a brief update for you on the happenings of Second Grade over the past two weeks:

In Reader's Workshop, we are learning to make inferences using our background knowledge and clues from the text. We're developing the habit of using our Reader's Notebooks for this task among others, and are beginning to set "conferences" with each student to set individual goals. You may have heard your children speak about "The Mini on the Mini," where we sat down and outlined what is expected to happen in a single Reader's Workshop. We (and students!) found this to be incredibly helpful so that all are aware of their specific task. In short, Reader's Workshop begins with a 10-15 minute mini lesson, is followed by independent reading where book shopping and teacher conferences take place, and concludes with a time to share about our reading. We have enjoyed having substantial time for reading lately, and have been quite tempted to take our books outside during these beautiful afternoon! An outdoor classroom is in order!

In Writer's Workshop, we are in the midst of publishing our persuasive letters. We hope you have heard from your children what "cause" they are working towards and we look forward to seeing these published drafts. Mr. Franz has quite a few letters to read! And if wishes were granted, our schedule would include lunch, recess, and art followed by...lunch, recess, and more art!

Unit 3 of Investigations in Math has taken us back into the world of Story Problems and requires us to focus again more intently on number sense. We have been solving both addition and subtraction story problems with very specific problem solving steps in place. We are encouraging students to approach these problems in the following way:
  1. Read
  2. Visualize and Retell
  3. Write an Equation
  4. Think: Am I getting more? Or am I getting less?
  5. Solve the Problem and SHOW your Work
  6. Label your Answer: No Naked Numbers!
We ask that you use these same steps with your children as you help with homework, etc. We have covered several strategies in class that are both efficient and accurate, and will be looking to see these strategies in their work moving forward. As we take Unit 3 further, we will be discussing place value and even/odd numbers. This will refine number sense even more and help give your children more efficient problem solving strategies. 

Did you hear about your rainforest build from the other week? Take a look at the creative minds at work as we constructed the forest floor, understory, canopy, and emergent layer during Storypath

The Emergent Layer working on tree tops.
Hard at work on the Forest Floor!
Wyatt and Destiny working together on a tree trunk for the Understory,
that was later covered in vines made out of yarn by other group members.

If you have not already, swing by the windows outside our classroom to see what has been built! Students wrote facts on sticky notes that are hung on the windows as well, and we're so proud of what they have retained thus far. Moving forward, we will continue learning about the rainforest and are just now starting to explore the important resources it provides. We will be doing some non-fiction reading to explore what can be found inside the rainforest, and will learn why the rainforest is important to us, not just to those living around it. 

The windows outside our classroom aren't the only ones covered! Last week in Science, we learned about the water cycle and conducted our own experiment to see how evaporation, condensation, and precipitation take place. Ask your children about our experiment!

We are on the home stretch to Thanksgiving break, and have a few big things ahead before pausing to spend time with families. Here are a few reminders for the upcoming weeks: 
  • Book Fair this Thursday and Friday, November 19th and 20th. Our class will be going on Thursday. Please be sure to have set a spending limit for your child. More information can be found in Good News. 
  • This Friday afternoon, November 20th will be Camp Read-a-Lot! Please have your child bring pajamas to change into, as well as two personal items that he/she can carry independently. We will have a regular Friday morning of school, followed by a relaxing and fun afternoon of reading. 

292 Pounds of Sweet Potatoes Delivered to Friendship Trays!

Last week the first wave of seconds graders helped deliver 292 pounds of sweet potatoes to Friendship Trays which had been grown here at Trinity. Paired up with some sixth graders who are also helping in our garden, 16 second graders traveled to the distribution center for Friendship Trays. After observing some of the potatoes being harvested, the second grade then spent two weeks helping to "cure" the potatoes in a humid and warm room here at Trinity.

The children watched as the potatoes were weighed and helped to calculate the total weight of our donation. They had made a prediction of a total weight of 20 pounds and were very surprised and delighted to see what had actually been given to Friendship Trays. We are now waiting to see when the carrots, radishes and collared greens we planted will be ready so they can be brought to Friendship Trays as well. Thanks to all of the drivers who helped get us there and back!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

New Read Aloud Begins

Yesterday we finished reading our beloved   The Cricket in Times Square. There were moans from several students who had become quite attached to the wonderful characters in that story.  We talked to them about the fact that some books have sequels, and many children were  thrilled to learn that there is a sequel to  The Cricket in Times Square, called Tucker's Countryside. We are not going to be reading it in class because we are moving onto Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We wanted to pass on the information about Tucker's Countryside for those who just can't say good bye yet.

Math Reminder!

Hello, Parents!

This afternoon, your children will be coming home with their Unit 2 Math Assessment. As a reminder, we would like for you to review these assessments with your children, sign them, and return both the cover sheet and assessment to us by Friday, November 6th. We hold onto these assessments for our records. If you still have the final assessment from Unit 1, please return this as well.

Remember that this assessment is a snapshot of your child's work throughout the unit. Students will also be bringing home the remaining pages from their workbooks, which we ask you hold onto. We do not complete every page, and leave you the option of completing these pages at home should you and your child desire any "extra" work.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Weekly Update 10/26/15 - 10/30/15

Our first five day week in a while! How are you holding up?

We've felt quite busy lately, and it's only because there are so many exciting things taking place. Allow us to fill you in! We've jumped into Storypath, and are just beginning to understand where rain forests exist, the different layers of the rain forest, and what's inside of them. Last week, Mrs. Lanze took us on a virtual field trip to the Amazon where quotes of excitement and discovery were heard all around the room. Students were able to virtually explore rain forests, rivers, churches, homes, school, and communities. Some hopped onto the virtual zipline! David and Marcia even kindly asked if they could have a "little extra recess," before entering the virtual playground. It was a fun filled morning, evidenced by the partnership work taking place. "This is SO fun," we heard Matthew say. To which Joshua replied, "Yeah! This is the best." Tanner and Brielle were off in their own corner "inviting" one another to go adventure around Brazil. Ella described Storypath as a time where we "discuss things you don't know about the world and learn to help other people." We loved the words Ella chose, and look forward to deepening our studies on the rain forest in the coming weeks.

We are wrapping up Unit 2 of Investigations this week and will be taking our final assessment on Thursday. We've been putting our knowledge to the test by comparing and contrasting 2D and 3D shapes using Venn Diagrams and have also been constructing our own 3D shapes out of pipe cleaners and straws. Prisms and pyramids of all sizes were being built on Tuesday and were excellent evidence of our understanding.

Our next project is underway in Writer's Workshop and we're challenging the class to write persuasive letters. Their first assignment has been to write about one thing they'd like changed about Trinity -- many are developing reasons for longer recess and longer art. However, we love the few that are hoping for a longer Reader's Workshop! Speaking of Reader's Workshop, we're focusing on character traits and feelings in order to understand more about the personality of our characters.

Did you hear that our earthworms arrived?! It was like Christmas morning as we gathered together on the carpet to open our package of worms. All hands were on deck as we prepared our earthworm bins by stripping newspaper and tearing lettuce. We will be watching these bins closely over the next month as we look for evidence of decomposition. We encourage you to "dig into" your child's thinking about soil and decomposition as it has been a very fun and hands-on experience!

A few reminders for the upcoming weeks:

  • We will walk to ImaginOn this Thursday, October 29th to return books and check out new books. Please remember to send in any library books from home!
  • Friday, October 30th will be a full day at Trinity! We will start by walking over to AME Zion Church to celebrate All Saint's Day. That afternoon, we will participate in Field Day from 1:00 - 3:00! 
  • Friday, November 6th we will walk to CPCC to watch the Middle School Musical: Crazy For You. Nothing beats a fun Friday!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

See Our Symmetry!

We are focusing on symmetry this week in math and spent today constructing different symmetrical images -- take a look at a few of our creations! 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

More Enrichment Updates

Hi Parents!
Read more enrichment updates below.

Our 2nd grade friends can be found in the art studio once a week for a full hour!  The sounds of creative joy can be heard far and wide when these kids hit the art studio.  They are mastering procedures that allow them to take ownership of their creative process from start to finish. We continue to introduce the students to the artistic behaviors with a variety of materials, each allowing the students to dig a little deeper into their own artwork.  We have also added a new habit of Observational Drawing.  Each class starts with a 5 minute drawing of an object on the table.  This allows the students to refocus their minds and bodies, allowing their open studio time to flow! If you would like to follow along the process of all Trinity art student you should check out and subscribe to our blog!  If you like all things Twitter, you can give us a follow there too (@tesarttab1).  Please feel free to send along any questions you may have.

Faith Studies:  
The Exodus has begun and we will quickly move through the 40 years of wandering and arrival at the Promised Land.  The struggles to stay faithful to God continue for the Israelites as well as for us.  Conversation about how we live and work with each other naturally flow from these stories.  Saints of God from the past will be discussed to prepare us for the All Saints Chapel at the end of October.

Weekly Update 10/13/15 - 10/16/15

Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed the long weekend -- whether you stayed in Charlotte, or ventured elsewhere. We trust stories will unfold this week and we look forward to hearing them. Thank you all for your time last week during conferences. We are grateful to have had the time to sit down with each of you to discuss progress thus far, and also to look ahead with excitement for what is to come in Second Grade.

We are picking right back up where we left off! With a few new things thrown into the mix, of course. This week we are celebrating the "Small Moment Stories" that you read during conferences. We are so proud of our young authors and having seen the incredible work they can produce, we know the year is sure to bring forth more beautiful, published work. Please take the time over the next week or so to sit down with your children as they share their stories with you. They are truly wonderful!  Be sure to ask your child about the unique compliment they received as they were awarded their Halloween pencils at the conclusion of our celebration! Our next unit will focus a lot on writing letters and we launched this unit today by writing a short letter about our passions.

As we mentioned during conferences, we are also shifting gears in Reader's Workshop. Having spent several weeks building comprehension skills, we will begin studying characters in depth as a way to put these comprehension strategies to use. Instead of writing in Noticing Books, students will get a Reader's Notebook that will be used frequently as we write about our reading. Please note that Noticing Books are no longer a requirement. However, if your child would like to continue writing in their NB, we will continue to respond!

Unit Two of Investigations is well underway and we will continue our work with geometry through next week. We have just introduced the concept of area, and will soon be discussing symmetry. Students have learned about various shapes and in particular, the difference between types of quadrilaterals.

Below is an update from Natalia regarding Spanish classes:

"News from Spanish!

Learning a second language opens a new world of opportunities and also provides knowledge of other cultures and traditions from different countries.

At Trinity, students are exposed to this experience in a fun and interactive way.
Building a good foundation in Spanish will help students to understand main concepts that will be useful when expressing ideas.

Some topics are taught in all grade levels and they change according to the students' age. Some of them are: calendar (numbers, months, days), school supplies, weather seasons, family and parts of the classroom.

Second graders are working on reading comprehension and recognizing some common vocabulary words and expressions. They are practicing counting through 60. Children have been working on topics such as weather, school items, parts of the classroom, main parts of the face and body by using the correct article for each.
We are playing the game “El Lobo” (The Wolf) to start using vocabulary words about clothes."

Thank you,

A few reminders for the upcoming weeks:
  • Please remember to sign and return your child's Unit One Assessment that was given to you during conferences. We hope you have found the time to sit down with your children to look at their work together. We will keep these assessments for our records and to note progress. 
  • Small Moment Stories have made their way home -- celebrate, and return next week! Thank you for your cooperation. We promise they will be yours to keep...eventually! 
  • Friday, October 16th will be our first trip to Little Sugar Creek Community Garden. If you have signed up as one of our volunteers, please be sure to arrive on campus by 12:45 so we can depart together. Weather looks great! 
  • Our next trip to ImaginOn will be NEXT WEEK. Stay tuned for the specific date. 
  • Friday, October 23rd is a Professional Development day and there will be no school for students. Enjoy another long weekend!