Thursday, August 31, 2017

We Are Off And Running!

It seems hard to believe that we have only been in school for 7 days and yet we have already done so much. We  marvel at how quickly your children have adapted to all of our routines here in second grade. Every Friday, at our closing circle, we go around and share one thing that we are grateful that happened during the week. Last Friday we loved hearing how many of the students loved the STEM build we did. It was wonderful to see your children go through the engineering process and come up with such great solutions for saving Fred. Fred was a gummy worm who needed to get a gummy lifesaver on him which was unfortunately trapped under the upside down plastic cup he was lying on. The challenge was that they could not touch any of the materials directly with their hands. They had to accomplish by only using 4 paper clips. Teamed up with a partner, your children took to the challenge full force. We are having another STEM build tomorrow and can't wait to see what they come up with!

Here are some pictures from the first STEM build:

Signing our Class Promise

Monday, August 21, 2017

Welcome to Second Grade! We are so excited for this year to begin!