Monday, November 23, 2015

What We are Grateful For....

As we close out our first trimester and head off for Thanksgiving break, we wanted to send out our message of gratitude to everyone for sharing your children with us. This year has provided moments of unexpected joy which have helped our hearts and minds grow bigger and closer to each other. Every morning around 7:45 we wait to hear the patter of little feet running toward our door, your children, anxious and excited to start our new day. It is a daily reminder of the precious opportunity we have been given to help these incredible children on their journey. We wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Weekly Update 11/16/15 - 11/20/15

Some days we feel as though we can't possibly fit it all in! What a wonderful way for our days to be -- jam packed with excitement. Here is a brief update for you on the happenings of Second Grade over the past two weeks:

In Reader's Workshop, we are learning to make inferences using our background knowledge and clues from the text. We're developing the habit of using our Reader's Notebooks for this task among others, and are beginning to set "conferences" with each student to set individual goals. You may have heard your children speak about "The Mini on the Mini," where we sat down and outlined what is expected to happen in a single Reader's Workshop. We (and students!) found this to be incredibly helpful so that all are aware of their specific task. In short, Reader's Workshop begins with a 10-15 minute mini lesson, is followed by independent reading where book shopping and teacher conferences take place, and concludes with a time to share about our reading. We have enjoyed having substantial time for reading lately, and have been quite tempted to take our books outside during these beautiful afternoon! An outdoor classroom is in order!

In Writer's Workshop, we are in the midst of publishing our persuasive letters. We hope you have heard from your children what "cause" they are working towards and we look forward to seeing these published drafts. Mr. Franz has quite a few letters to read! And if wishes were granted, our schedule would include lunch, recess, and art followed by...lunch, recess, and more art!

Unit 3 of Investigations in Math has taken us back into the world of Story Problems and requires us to focus again more intently on number sense. We have been solving both addition and subtraction story problems with very specific problem solving steps in place. We are encouraging students to approach these problems in the following way:
  1. Read
  2. Visualize and Retell
  3. Write an Equation
  4. Think: Am I getting more? Or am I getting less?
  5. Solve the Problem and SHOW your Work
  6. Label your Answer: No Naked Numbers!
We ask that you use these same steps with your children as you help with homework, etc. We have covered several strategies in class that are both efficient and accurate, and will be looking to see these strategies in their work moving forward. As we take Unit 3 further, we will be discussing place value and even/odd numbers. This will refine number sense even more and help give your children more efficient problem solving strategies. 

Did you hear about your rainforest build from the other week? Take a look at the creative minds at work as we constructed the forest floor, understory, canopy, and emergent layer during Storypath

The Emergent Layer working on tree tops.
Hard at work on the Forest Floor!
Wyatt and Destiny working together on a tree trunk for the Understory,
that was later covered in vines made out of yarn by other group members.

If you have not already, swing by the windows outside our classroom to see what has been built! Students wrote facts on sticky notes that are hung on the windows as well, and we're so proud of what they have retained thus far. Moving forward, we will continue learning about the rainforest and are just now starting to explore the important resources it provides. We will be doing some non-fiction reading to explore what can be found inside the rainforest, and will learn why the rainforest is important to us, not just to those living around it. 

The windows outside our classroom aren't the only ones covered! Last week in Science, we learned about the water cycle and conducted our own experiment to see how evaporation, condensation, and precipitation take place. Ask your children about our experiment!

We are on the home stretch to Thanksgiving break, and have a few big things ahead before pausing to spend time with families. Here are a few reminders for the upcoming weeks: 
  • Book Fair this Thursday and Friday, November 19th and 20th. Our class will be going on Thursday. Please be sure to have set a spending limit for your child. More information can be found in Good News. 
  • This Friday afternoon, November 20th will be Camp Read-a-Lot! Please have your child bring pajamas to change into, as well as two personal items that he/she can carry independently. We will have a regular Friday morning of school, followed by a relaxing and fun afternoon of reading. 

292 Pounds of Sweet Potatoes Delivered to Friendship Trays!

Last week the first wave of seconds graders helped deliver 292 pounds of sweet potatoes to Friendship Trays which had been grown here at Trinity. Paired up with some sixth graders who are also helping in our garden, 16 second graders traveled to the distribution center for Friendship Trays. After observing some of the potatoes being harvested, the second grade then spent two weeks helping to "cure" the potatoes in a humid and warm room here at Trinity.

The children watched as the potatoes were weighed and helped to calculate the total weight of our donation. They had made a prediction of a total weight of 20 pounds and were very surprised and delighted to see what had actually been given to Friendship Trays. We are now waiting to see when the carrots, radishes and collared greens we planted will be ready so they can be brought to Friendship Trays as well. Thanks to all of the drivers who helped get us there and back!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

New Read Aloud Begins

Yesterday we finished reading our beloved   The Cricket in Times Square. There were moans from several students who had become quite attached to the wonderful characters in that story.  We talked to them about the fact that some books have sequels, and many children were  thrilled to learn that there is a sequel to  The Cricket in Times Square, called Tucker's Countryside. We are not going to be reading it in class because we are moving onto Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We wanted to pass on the information about Tucker's Countryside for those who just can't say good bye yet.

Math Reminder!

Hello, Parents!

This afternoon, your children will be coming home with their Unit 2 Math Assessment. As a reminder, we would like for you to review these assessments with your children, sign them, and return both the cover sheet and assessment to us by Friday, November 6th. We hold onto these assessments for our records. If you still have the final assessment from Unit 1, please return this as well.

Remember that this assessment is a snapshot of your child's work throughout the unit. Students will also be bringing home the remaining pages from their workbooks, which we ask you hold onto. We do not complete every page, and leave you the option of completing these pages at home should you and your child desire any "extra" work.

Thank you for your cooperation!