Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Welcome Back!

Welcome back, Second Grade friends and families! We hope Spring Break treated you as well as it treated us and it certainly feels nice to have had a period of rest. How crazy it is to think we've come to the end of March and that the home stretch of Second Grade awaits us. With warmer weather, a field trip in April, another visit to The Children's Theater and more, we are sure to have an exciting last stretch.

Stay tuned for more information on the aforementioned, but for now we just want to remind you to send in ImaginOn books by tomorrow, Wednesday, March 30th. Books are due Thursday and we will be walking to ImaginOn as a class on Wednesday to make returns and check out new books. Thank you for your cooperation in this.

Hope to see you soon!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Weekly Update 3/14/16 - 3/18/16

Let us begin by saying what a joy it was to sit with you and your children to share and celebrate their many accomplishments this year. It was an opportunity for us to all reflect upon the immense growth that has taken place within these walls since August, and we are so grateful to have been given the time to do so. Please remember to send in your child's math assessment, signed, as well as the completed reflection sheet and their Coral Reef Research Book. We trust their work has been well celebrated at home and know that their hard work will (eventually) make its way to live at home permanently.

While we know most updates were given during conferences last week, we wanted to share a few things via the blog before parting ways for Spring Break.

Poetry has begun and we are excited to begin a "lighter" unit of writing that allows for more creativity and personal expression. In hopes of coming to school equipped with ideas each week, please partner with us in having your children use their Noticing Books to record observations and noticings. We'd like to see five sentences minimum and will collect these on your child's designated Book Day. This will be recorded on their agenda. We will continue to respond to Noticing Books as we did earlier in the year. Poetry will weave it's way into Reader's Workshop as well, and we look forward to having the crossover between Reader's and Writer's in the upcoming weeks.

As you've heard, we are tackling Unit 6 of Investigations in a slightly different format than before. We've joined forces with Mrs. Bolding and Mr. Smith's class and are splitting up each day to be more intentional with our differentiation. In this unit, emphasis will continue to be on solving Story Problems with larger numbers, identifying and manipulating numbers based on place value, and being able to work with the number 100. We will also be taking a closer look at subtraction, which is often trickier for most than addition.

We have no doubt that you heard about our exciting lesson in science on Friday -- a squid dissection! Thank you to Mrs. Rudisill and Mr. Casey for partnering with us in this endeavor and to the middle school students who led the dissection. Take a look at some pictures!

And on that note, Spring Break awaits and we hope you have a restful and fun week ahead! We'll see you back here after Easter!

A few reminders for the upcoming week:
  • Palm Sunday Chapel this Friday -- please join us if you can! 
  • This Friday, March 18th, is Camp Read a Lot! Similar to the Camp Read a Lot we hosted in fall, please have your child BRING a pair of pajamas to change into following chapel. Each student is allowed one lovie/pillow and please no sleeping bags -- we only have so much room! Thank you for your cooperation in this and we look forward to a day of reading!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Under the Sea!

Thank you all for taking a dive with us last Friday into the Coral Reef. We were and are so proud of your children and the hard work they put into their study of the Coral Reef and the animals under sea. We loved celebrating with you and know every student was grateful to have such support from family and friends. What a special community we are in! Enjoy the pictures and smiles below!