Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Weekly Update 3/27/17 - 3/31/17

Welcome back, from what we hope was an exciting, restful, and rejuvenating Spring Break! We are grateful to have had the time to re-energize and are just beginning to wrap our heads around the fact that March is ending, April is beginning, and that we are on the home stretch of Second Grade. It's always wonderful to return from a break when you know so much excitement awaits you in the morning and we felt that in surplus yesterday as your children came through the doors.

We first want to share some exciting news that arrived via mail yesterday! After months of waiting for a response, we were starting to think nothing would arrive as a result of our persuasive letters on saving the rain forest. However, much to our surprise, a letter from Adelle Gillen with the U.S. Embassy Brasilia was found in our mailbox! The class was congratulated on their hard work, their beautifully written letters, their passion and concern, and ability to advocate for an important cause. We hope your children came home sharing this exciting news and next time you're in the building, you can check out the letter yourself as we have it posted on the inside of our classroom door. We are so proud of our writers! While on the subject, in Writer's, we've started work on our realistic fiction stories and the creative juices are running wild. Students have been led through the brainstorming process, created characters, and are focusing on developing a problem within their stories that will hold the attention of readers. We will continue this project through April.

In Reader's, the class has been enjoying Book Clubs. Students are split into several reading groups, where they are focused on a particular series so that they can discuss character traits, problems and resolutions, patterns, and other commonalities between texts. This has given workshop a more social aspect and we can tell that everyone is enjoying the opportunity to talk about their reading with friends!

In Math, a new unit is underway and you will begin seeing material dealing with tens and hundreds being sent home. Numbers are getting larger, but we are encouraging students to continue using problem solving strategies they have learned as they begin working with larger numbers. Lately, our focus has been on finding the difference or distance between a particular number and 100. We are using the 100s Chart to do so, as well as coins.

This week, we're beginning new sorts in Word Study and per usual, the brunt of this work will be done in class until before our next assessment. Other subjects like Science and Social Studies will be coming back into play now that our work with the Coral Reef has finished. As scientists, we'll begin studying matter, which always creates some excitement in the building -- especially once we get going with experiments! Stay tuned for updates and pictures. In Social Studies, we'll begin taking a look at maps, and then begin looking at communities, which students already know much about simply by being at Trinity!

We will jump back into our routine of visiting and hosting InReach this Thursday, and a continued "thanks" to Jennifer Bankhead for all the coordinating she has done to make sure our drivers are set. And thank you to so many of you who donate the gift of time and presence to be with us on Thursdays! That should cover it for now, and please take note of the following reminders as we slide into April:

  • Wednesday, April 5th -- NUTS Day and 1/2 day for students. 
  • Tuesday, April 11th -- Field Trip to Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens. Stay tuned for more details!
  • Friday, April 14th -- No School; Good Friday.