Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Weekly Update 10/24/16 - 10/28/16

Here we are, the last week of October! While the past two weeks have been short, we have jumped into our new units of study and want to share with you an update on what all that entails.

Reader's Workshop and Writer's Workshop are beginning to cross over a bit, which we always love. Over the past two weeks, students have been closely examining their characters and discussing their findings with a partner. We've asked students to notice the difference between character traits and feelings, and to also note when a character surprises us. We've asked readers to use the question stems, "Why would..." and "Would I..." as they explore the texts. These are great questions to use at home as well. Recently, we have begun looking for the life lesson within texts, a year long theme, but one we're focusing on in particular this week. As young writers, students are trying their hand at persuasive writing. We started with a free write on any topic and are now writing about characters or books we love. These pieces will develop over the coming weeks as students learn to support their opinions with fact as a way to persuade their readers. And along the subject of literacy, we've begun a new word study focus -- plurals. Students are learning when and why to add -es, -s, or -ies to words and we will have an assessment on this sort at the end of the month.

In math, our unit on geometry is in full swing. It's been an exciting unit so far and students have enjoyed the hands-on component. We are learning the difference between 2D and 3D shapes, as well as how to use mathematical language to describe geometric attributes.

Social Studies continues to focus on leaders, both in our community and beyond, and we will take the election into special consideration within our lessons as November begins. We hope you've heard about the exciting science experiment/project that is taking place in our classroom! But in case you haven't, take a look at these pictures from last week when we built our very own composition bins!

It was a loud and exciting lesson! Worms were not the only ones wiggling around, and we will continue observing their behavior in the next few months. Our study of soil will continue through October and if you're interested in seeing the different topics we've covered, take a look at the bulletin board outside our classroom.

This past week, we were lucky enough to have David Matvey, Nicholas's father, join us for the morning to share the origin of our beloved "extra desk" that sits in the back of the classroom. Mr. Matvey gave us a glimpse into classrooms of the past and we loved seeing the surprised faces of our students as Mr. Matvey explained some of the many differences between schools now and then. Thank you, Mr. Matvey, for taking time to visit us and share a special part of your family's history.

This week, we are introducing a new and exciting subject into our schedule. Storypath! We are beginning our study of the rainforest and look forward to learning about its many layers, its plant and animal inhabitants, its importance in our everyday life, and the risks surrounding it. This unit will tie in with both science and writing down the road as students learn how to advocate for the rainforest.

Please read the following updates from enrichment teachers:

Art -- The studio is open and the artists are enthusiastic and LOUD! They love working collaboratively with their peers and negotiating with one another to get their ideas out on paper. Popular trends in second grade are combining drawings together with lots of tape and painting on easels with the messy liquid tempera paint. They frequently use the guided drawing books and tracing paper. Pokemon is a favorite.

Faith Studies -- We started the year reviewing the stories in Genesis and Exodus in second grade faith studies.  We heard the stories of creation, Noah’s Ark, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and the 10 Commandments. The stories were presented in many different ways including hands on materials, colorful children’s books, and animated video clips.  Mrs. Williams taught us a lesson about the saints of God, centered on the hymn, “I Sing a Song of the Saints of God.”  She will do a similar lesson each trimester in second grade. We have read and reflected on some Jewish Children’s Stories around Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot as all three of these Jewish holidays are in October this year.   Second grade students  also read and reflected on the children’s stories, God’s Dream, by Desmond Tutu, and Whoever You Are, by Mem Fox.  Second grade students  helped create the “chain of change,” we used last week during Children’s Sabbath. I am really enjoying teaching second grade faith studies this year.  Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have.  

Grace and peace,
Rev. Lindsey Peery (lpeery@tescharlotte.org)

Music -- We have been reviewing processes and skills in music class. Our 2nd grade music students have been reviewing note values of quarter, eighth, half and whole notes and rests. Additionally, we have been learning how to read out of our first music text of Spotlight on Music! 2nd graders will begin to learn to analyze and further their music skills. Our 2nd graders have been working on learning about the song and characters of the Jungle Book. The Jungle Book is our 2nd grade musical for this year and will be performed on Wednesday, January 25.

Wellness -- The second graders enjoyed learning about bullying prevention during their first wellness lesson. They now have a better understanding of the difference between bullying behavior and individual acts of meanness. They also have the tools to advocate for themselves and their friends if they ever feel they are in a situation where bullying is occurring. We loved seeing them in purple last week! If you are interested in children’s books about bullying, you can find a few here.

Spanish -- Welcome to Spanish at Trinity 2016/17! We are excited to start a new program this school year! Trinity’s K-5 Spanish Language Program explores language and culture through explicit presentation and integration of the five Cs: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities; supporting students, from beginners to heritage speakers. Every level, contains units organized a particular theme: Unit 1: Nos Conocemos - Greetings, and goodbyes, family, and friends; Unit 2: ¿Cómo vivimos? - clothing, colors, homes, people and places in community; Unit 3: Vamos a aprender - games, school, and school activities; Unit 4: Los animales - pets and farm animals, and taking care of pets.  Mexico, Nicaragua, Chile, and Costa Rica.

Children have access to a personal online account that offers several tools such as: El Libro del Estudiante (Student Book), El Cuaderno de Práctica (Practice Book), Descubre Online (Online Activities), Biblioteca Temática (Thematic Library - 3 levels), Letras de canciones (lyrics-Songs), and Vídeos (videos). Each link contains audio for students to read along or just listen to the conversations, and songs. Join your child to use and practice together this amazing resource that supports this great learning experience in a second language! Just follow the steps that are explained in a letter sent home with your child's online account information.
More news coming soon!

Finally, please make note of the following events coming up:
  • Tuesday, October 25th is Mix It Up Day at TES. Our lunch time will shift slightlly (11:55 - 12:25) so that we can enjoy eating and conversing with a different group of students than our normal schedule permits. Thanks to Tracy Onze in the MS for coordinating! 
  • This Thursday, October 27th, we will visit InReach again. Thank you to Jennifer Bankhead for coordinating our drivers, and we look forward to another exciting visit! So far, this service learning partnership has been a huge success and seeing our friends from InReach again is sure to be a highlight of the week. 
  • On Friday, October 28th, we will have Field Day. We will have a regular Friday morning, however will shift into play mode after lunch. We are looking forward to an exciting and energetic afternoon!
We hope that things on your end are going well, and as always, please let us know if you need anything!